Climatic trends in Gujarat and its likely impact on different crops
Trend, least squares, Theil-Sen approach, Mann-Kendall test, temperature, rainfallAbstract
Maximum temperature, minimum temperature and rainfall of Anand, Junagadh, Mahuva, Navsari and SK Nagar stations of Gujarat were analyzed on seasonal (winter, summer, monsoon and postmonsoon) and annual time scales using long period data. Linear regression/least squares time series slope (parameteric) and Theil-Sen slope (non-parameteric) were used to investigate the trends of climate va riability. Parametric and non-parametric trend analysis showed fair agreement in result except some cases where the non-parametric approach revealed very high magnitude in slope. During winter season minimum temperature is increasing and maximum temperature is decreasing at Junagadh. At Mahuva minimum temperature is decreasing and maximum temperature is increasing during summer. Only Anand station showed statistically significant increasing annual trend for minimum and maximum temperatures. There was no significant trend for any temperature time series of SK Nagar station. The rainfall of Saurashtra region (Junagadh and Mahuva) showed increasing trend. The impact of increasing temperature on different crops was found negative while decreasing temperature was found positive in most of crop studied.
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