Evaluation of research articles published in the Journal of Agrometeorology (1999-2022)
Online system, impact factors, citations, crop-weather relationship, crop modelling, remote sensingAbstract
This article evaluates the research papers published in the Journal of Agrometeorology which started in 1999 as a six-monthly publication appearing in June and December and become a quarterly publication appearing in March, June, September and December in 2017. Initially, the journal was being printed on A5 size paper which was switched over to international A4 size glossy paper in 2008. In addition to the regular issues, the special issues of the journal were also brought out from the selected papers of seminars/symposia organized by the Association of Agrometeorologists from time to time. For evaluation, only the articles published in the regular issues of the journal were considered. The articles published in the special issues have been excluded in the analysis.
Out of 1353 articles published in the journal during the period of evaluation (1999–2022), 931 articles were published as research articles, including editorials, and the rest (422) were as short communications. Only 56 articles were contributed by the foreign authors. Among the centers, the highest contribution of articles was from New Delhi (113 articles) followed by Ludhiana (100), Anand (93), Hyderabad (72) and Hisar (51). State wise, the maximum number of articles were from Gujarat (166) followed by Punjab (159), New Delhi (113) and Maharashtra (98). Qualitatively, the number of articles on crop-weather relationship studies (206) were the highest followed by articles on agroclimatic analysis (172). The introduction of online system has not only increased the visibility of the journal globally, but also saved the time in processing the articles. The acceptance rate of articles is only 20 per cent. The impact factor of journal is increasing since 2008, and is expected to increase further due to higher citations enabled by the online system.
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