Development and application of SPI generator using open source for analyzing drought at a varying time scale
SPI generator, drought, spatial, time series, rainfall, APHRODITEAbstract
The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) is a probability index that gives a belier representation of abnormal wetness and dryness than any other drought indices. The primary objective of the current study is to develop a comprehensive tool to compute SPI on a spatial basis and analyze spa!iotemporal variability of drought in North West Indian region during 1951-2007 using APHRODITE waler resource data at 0.25-degree resolution. This tool was developed using the python programming language, and the site-packages such as Numpy, Scipy, Ma!plo!lib, Ne!CDF, PyQt were used. The result showed Iha! the SPI time series showed significant inter-annual and multi-decadal variations. In the whole data period, three consecutive droughts have occurred only once, 1999-2002. This prolonged drought hurt the agricultural and water resources sectors over the study area. The computed SPI for the year2002 showed an extreme dry spell over the study area signifying the major drought over India in the same year with a 56% deficit of rainfall in July. The computed 12-month SPI for the year 1996 shows a wet period over the northwestern part of India, especially over Haryana signifying medium to heavy rainfall, conforming 1996 flood. The developed SPI tool, portray a realistic picture of drought scenario over the Northwest region and improve the timely identification of emerging drought conditions that can trigger appropriate responses by the decision makers.
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