Agroclimatic indices and phenology of pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] in relation to its yield
Phenological stages, AGDD,, APTU, AHTUAbstract
A field experiment was conducted to study the influence of temperature, sunshine hours, day length and phosphorus (P) on phenology of four pigeonpea cultivars (PAU881, AL201, ICPL88039 and MN5) during Kharif seasons of 2014 and 2015 at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. The results of present investigation indicated that accumulation of growing degree days (AGDD), accumulated photo (APTU) and helio thermal unit (AHTU) was more in cultivar AL201 followed by ICPL88039, PAU881 and MN5for all phenophasic stages.Significant positive correlation was found between accumulated photothermal unit at maturity, pods per plant, seed per pod, 100-seed weight and yield. Path coefficient analysis revealed that pods per plant, grain per pod and AGDDM contributed more directly and indirectly to yield so; direct selection of these variables may be beneficial for more seed yield under no added P condition.Cultivars AL201and ICPL88039 were significantly better than MN5 while PAU881 were on par with AL201 for all phenophases stages.
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