Bias correction and ensemble techniques in statistical downscaling model for rainfall prediction using Tweedie-LASSO in West Java, Indonesia
Bias Correction, Empirical Quantile Mapping, Ensemble, Rainfall, Statistical Downscaling, Tweedie-LASSOAbstract
Rainfall is a climate element with high variations in space and time scales, so it is not easy to predict. One way to predict rainfall is statistical downscaling (SD). SD can predict local rainfall based on Global Circulation Model (GCM) data. The Decadal Climate Prediction Project (DCPP), one of the GCMs, originates from adjacent grids and experiences multicollinearity problems. Rainfall as a response variable is Tweedie Compound Poisson Gamma (TCPG) distribution data because it has a discrete component (rainfall events) and a continuous component (rainfall intensity), so SD modelling will be carried out using Tweedie-LASSO. This research aims to compare the performance of bias correction and ensemble methods in SD in predicting rainfall in West Java, Indonesia. Bias correction uses Empirical Quantile Mapping (EQM) with CHIRPS data, and the ensemble method uses a stacking technique with Random Forest (Stacking-RF) due to the varied characteristics of DCPP model sources. Evaluation results using Root Mean Square Error Prediction (RMSEP) and correlation coefficient show that bias correction improves single-model performance but not ensemble models. Besides that, ensemble models outperform single models both before and after bias correction. The combination of bias correction and ensemble modelling can be recommended when conducting SD to enhance the prediction capability of rainfall at stations and other areas.
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