Spatio-temporal variability of climatic parameters across different altitudes of North- Western Himalaya


  • PANKAJ PANWAR ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Sector 27 A, Research Center Chandigarh – 160 019 - INDIA;
  • SHARMISTHA PAL ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Sector 27 A, Research Center Chandigarh – 160 019 - INDIA;
  • NANCY LORIA ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Sector 27 A, Research Center Chandigarh – 160 019 - INDIA;
  • MED RAM VERMA ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izzatnagar, Uttar Pradesh
  • N.M. ALAM ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation 218 Kaulagarh Road- Dehra Dun
  • V.K. BHATT ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Sector 27 A, Research Center Chandigarh – 160 019 - INDIA;
  • N.K. SHARMA ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation 218 Kaulagarh Road- Dehra Dun



Altitude,, precipitation concentration index, rainfall,, seasonality index, temperature,, wavelet analysis


Climate change impact varies across different altitudinal ranges and demands local specific management strategies for water resource and farming system management. The present study analyses spacio-temporal climate parameters across different altitudes of Himachal Pradesh a hilly state of India. Analysis shows that annually, minimum temperature has significantly decreased by -0.09°C at altitude I (350 - 400 m) while maximum temperature has significantly increased by 0.05°C at altitudes I and II (1400-1500 m) and decreased significantly by -0.08°C at altitude III (2000- 2100 m). Higher regions Altitude – IV (2900-3000 m) received lowest rainfall (746.1 mm) with 30.2 % variation. Seasonal rainfall variability was higher in post monsoon (102 - 174%) and least in monsoon (21 - 57%). Annual rainfall at altitude I is strongly irregular (PCI 20.1 to 22.3), followed by altitude – IV (PCI 15-25); altitude – II irregular (PCI 15-20) and altitude – III moderate to irregular (PCI 12 -19) rainfall. Seasonal Index values for four altitudes fall between 0.91-0.96 revealed that rainfall is irregular and markedly seasonal with longer drier season. Higher wavelet powers in altitude - I and II after 2005 suggests frequency of extreme rainfall occurrence had increased.




How to Cite

PANKAJ PANWAR, SHARMISTHA PAL, NANCY LORIA, MED RAM VERMA, N.M. ALAM, V.K. BHATT, & N.K. SHARMA. (2019). Spatio-temporal variability of climatic parameters across different altitudes of North- Western Himalaya. Journal of Agrometeorology, 21(3), 297–306.



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