Trends in weather and yield changes in past in coconut growing areas in India
Climate change, weather, coconutAbstract
Analysis of past weather data indicated increase in maximum temperature at varied magnitudes over various coconut growing areas across the country except in southern Kerala. In case of minimum temperature, sixty percent of the locations studied showed a declining trend, widening the difference between maximum and minimum temperatures. The days above 33 oC, optimal for coconut growth and development, were in increasing trend in most of the coconut growing area while days below 15 oC are increasing in northern Kerala, plains of Karnataka and western Tamil Nadu. Annual Rainfall showed declining trend in most of the coconut growing areas with change in amount. Dry spells are in increasing trend in parts of Karnataka and Kerala. Change in coconut productivity during past three decades across the country ranged from -114 to 270 nuts/ha/year. The productivity of coconut during the study period was in increasing trend except for parts of Maharastra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, where consecutive droughts affected the yields.
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