Interactive effect of tillage, residue, nitrogen, and irrigation management on yield, radiation productivity and water productivity of winter wheat in semi-arid climate
Conservation agriculture, radiation productivity, water productivity, wheat, deficit irrigation, crop residueAbstract
Water, nutrients, and energy are the three main inputs in agricultural production and recently there has been a drop in the factor productivity of these inputs because of their improper management and deterioration of soil health. To maximize agricultural productivity while lowering strain on natural resources, the best synergistic combinations of tillage, residue, nitrogen, and water management should be identified for improving resource use efficiency of wheat. Hence, an attempt has been made to evaluate the impact of contrasting tillage, crop residue mulch, nitrogen, and irrigation interaction on yield, radiation productivity (RP), and water productivity (WP) of wheat in a split-factorial design. Results showed that wheat yield was higher under no-tillage (4.8%) than that of conventional tillage. Crop residue mulch (CRM) and higher nitrogen application enhanced RP, WP, and yield of wheat; although RP increased with increase in nitrogen application up to 100% recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN). CRM significantly reduced the seasonal evapotranspiration (6.0‒7.2%) as compared to residue removal treatment. Deficit irrigation enhanced the WP while it lowered the crop yield significantly. Therefore, wheat can be grown under no-tillage, CRM, 100% RDN with deficit irrigation to obtain higher WP but with full irrigation to obtain higher yield, and RP in the semiarid climate of India.
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