Micro-meteorological variations and Rain water-use efficiency of a Silvi-pastoral system
Solar radiation disposition, soil moisture depletion patterns, Rain water-use efficiency, Silvi-pastoral systemAbstract
The solar radiation disposition, soil moisture depletion pattern and rain water-use efficiency of a silvi-pastoral system at Jodhpur were studied during 2000 to 2003. Factorial combination of a pasture viz., Cenchrus ciliaris and a fodder shrub viz., Colophospermum mopane and with two trees viz., Hardwickia binata and Prosopis cineraria at two levels of nitrogen (No and N20) were tried. The intercepted insolation varied from 54 to 80% depending upon the leaf area index (0.65-1.40). The albedo varied from 20.3 to 24.4%. Soil moisture depletion was more in all fertilized than unfertilized plots of legume, grass and tree combination treatments. The rain water-use efficiency (WUE) was higher in fertilized plots of C. ciliaris (3.37-14.05 kg DM ha-1 mm-1) compared to unfertilized plots (2.65-9.71 kg DM ha-1 mm- 1) and it was highest in combination of grass and legume compared to sole components.
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