Suitability analysis for optimum network of agrometeorological stations: A case study of Visayas region, Philippines
Agrometeorological station, suitability mapping, GISAbstract
An attempt has been made to identify the most suitable sites for agrometeorological stations in Visayas region of Philippines and to determine the barriers in achieving optimum network of stations. Suitability criteria have been used based on the World Meteorological Organization guidelines on establishing agrometeorological stations. The criteria include slope, landuse/landcover, road accessibility, locations from water bodies, coastlines and possible collaborating institutions. Suitability indices for each factor were developed. A geographic information system (GIS) modeling and mapping framework has been presented to serve as a guide to a cost-effective augmented network of agrometeorological stations. The technique can also be adapted to site the best locations for agrometeorological stations in other areas in the Philippines and in other countries. There are 11 suitable stations identified which is 94 per cent less than the optimum number of stations in the study area. Based on the study, the barriers in achieving the optimum number of stations were the unavailability of host institutions, water bodies, and inadequate road infrastructures.In archipelagic and developing countries, funding and policymaking is a challenge in addressing these barriers.
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