Influence of weather parameters on powdery mildew of mango inflorescence in humid tropics of South Gujarat
Climate, weather, epidemiology, powdery mildew, disease severity, validationAbstract
The influence of environmental parameters on the development of powdery mildew caused by Oidium mangiferae Berthet on mango inflorescence was studied for seven consecutive years (2012-18) in humid tropics climatic conditions of South Gujarat. The disease incidence and severity (DIS), area under disease progress curve-AUDPC (A-value) and apparent infection rate (r-value) were recorded at panicle and fruit setting stages of the tree at weekly intervals. The correlation studies showed that incidence and severity of powdery mildew significantly negative relationship with morning relative humidity (r = -0.631; p<0.05 and r = -0.721; p<0.01) and average relative humidity (r = -0.766 and r = -0.787; p<0.01). Temperature (maximum and average) and evaporation showed positive relationship with incidence and severity of powdery mildew. Further, stepwise linear regression model indicated that average relative humidity as single predictor independent variable had the strongest relationship disease incidence and severity, which explained 59 percent disease incidence and 62 percent for disease severity variability. This forewarning model can be useful for efficient management of powdery mildew disease of mango and as well as agro advisory services to farmers.
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