Trend analysis of rainfall (1984-2023) of Tlawng River basin of Mizoram, India using Man-Kendall test


  • IMANUEL LAWMCHULLOVA Department of Geography and Resource Management, Mizoram University, Aizawl 796004, India
  • LAL RINKIMI Department of Geography and Resource Management, Mizoram University, Aizawl 796004, India, Pin code:796004
  • CH. UDAYA BHASKARA RAO Department of Geography and Resource Management, Mizoram University, Aizawl 796004, India, Pin code:796004



Rainfall trend, Man-Kendall, Sen’s slope, Tlawng river basin


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How to Cite

LAWMCHULLOVA, I., RINKIMI , L., & RAO, C. U. B. (2024). Trend analysis of rainfall (1984-2023) of Tlawng River basin of Mizoram, India using Man-Kendall test. Journal of Agrometeorology, 26(3), 391–394.



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