Study and evaluation of wind power density for the use of small wind turbine under Baghdad conditions


  • BASIM ABDULSADA AL-KNANI Department of Atmospheric Sciences, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • HUSSAIN ABODI NEMAH Department of Atmospheric Sciences, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • SALAHADDIN A. AHMED Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimaniyah, Iraq
  • ASDAF A. RAEED Ministry of Education, Directorate Al-Rusafa 2, Palestine Secondary School for Distinguished girls.



Wind speed, Weibull distribution, Gamma distribution, Rayleigh distribution, Wind power density, Wind energy


The main aim of this research is to analyze the characteristics of the wind speed and wind power density in Baghdad City within micro-scale meteorological conditions at Mustansiriyah University Meteorological Station (MUMS). Temperature, atmospheric pressure and wind speed data were taken for one year (2016) measured at a height of 18 m above the earth's surface. Hourly, monthly, and seasonal changes in wind speed at an altitude of 30 m were estimated using a power law. The mean diurnal and monthly air density was calculated. Different statistical distributions were used, including the Rayleigh, Gamma and Weibull distributions, and the best distribution function was selected to evaluate the wind power density in the study area. The results showed the highest monthly mean of wind speed recorded in June and July. Therefore, these months have the highest wind power density. The lowest monthly mean of wind speed and wind power density was observed in December. The maximum and minimum values of air density were recorded in December, January and July, August, respectively. The monthly variation of the shape parameter (k) ranges between 0.99 - 1.81, while the monthly variation of the scale parameter(c) ranges between 1.07 - 2.3 m s-1. It was also found that the Weibull distribution was more accurate than the Rayleigh and Gamma distributions. The prevailing wind direction is northeast (NE) and east-northeast (ENE) most of the time. The research results showed that the study area is not suitable for using wind energy to generate energy.


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How to Cite

AL-KNANI, B. A., NEMAH, H. A., AHMED , S. A., & ASDAF A. RAEED. (2024). Study and evaluation of wind power density for the use of small wind turbine under Baghdad conditions. Journal of Agrometeorology, 26(3), 331–338.



Research Paper
