Reference evapotranspiration modeling using radial basis function neural network in different agro-climatic zones of Chhattisgarh
ET estimation, FAO-PM ET0, RBFNN, MLANN, empirical modelsAbstract
Precise estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) is extremely essential for efficient utilization of available water resources. Among the empirical models, FAO-Penman-Monteith equation (FAO-PM) is considered as standard method to determine reference evapotranspiration (ET ). In developing countries like India, application of FAO-PM equation for ET estimation has certain limitations due to unavailability of specific data requirements. Several empirical models such as Hargreaves, Turc, Blaney-Criddle etc., are
also considered for ET estimation. However, ET estimates obtain with these models are not comparable with benchmark FAO-PM ET . To address this issue, potential of radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) is investigated to estimate FAO-PM ET . Result obtained with proposed RBFNN models are compared with equivalent multi-layer artificial neural network (MLANN) and empirical approach of Hargreaves, Turc and Blaney-Criddle. Lower RMSE values obtained with RBFNN and MLANN models is an indication of improved performance over empirical models. Similarly, higher R2 and Efficiency Factor obtained with RBFNN and MLANN models also approves the superiority of machine learning techniques over empirical models. Among the two machine learning techniques, RBFNN models performed better as compared to MLANN. In a nut shell, proposed RBFNN models can simulate FAO-PM ET even with limited
meteorological parameters and consistence degree of accuracy level.
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