Flash drought in Odisha- prediction, impact assessment, coping strategies: Current status and future strategies
Agriculture, climate change, coping strategies, flash drought , impact assessmentAbstract
A detailed review was done on the past studies conducted by the researchers on climate change and variability, particularly for the Indian conditions having a typical monsoon climate. The short-term droughts (flash droughts) occurring due to the prolonged dry spells, heat waves, soil moisture deficits, which are caused due to the climate variability were also investigated. Accurate prediction techniques used for flash drought (FD), assessment of its impact on agriculture and farmers’ income as well as appropriate coping strategies recommended by different researchers to minimize the losses in crop yield and farmers’ income were analyzed. The total loss in crop yield was found to increase with increase in land size; however, per acre loss was higher for smaller holdings. It was observed that the resource crunch small and marginal farmers particularly belonging to SC/ST were worst sufferers due to their inability to adopt appropriate coping strategies such as: crop insurance, short duration climate resilient cultivars, low-interest loans from financial institutions etc. It was inferred that the FD needs special attention particularly for the state of Odisha, where a majority of the population are engaged in agriculture and its allied activities. Agriculture accounts for around 30 per cent of the net state domestic product (NSDP). Investigations of the past studies revealed that the western Odisha regions are most vulnerable to climate change and variability and to the FD caused by the climate variability. The small and marginal tribal farmers of western Odisha whose sole source of income is from agriculture, with low affordability, are worst affected. To cope with these natural calamities, they need to adopt coping strategies namely, going for a variety of sources of income, cultivation of short-duration climate resilient varieties, in-situ rainwater conservation and use for life-saving irrigation, crop insurance, and low interest loans as well as low-cost post-harvest techniques for the perishable crop produce etc.
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