Modelling adaptation strategies towards climate smart red gram production in Tamil Nadu


  • PRADIPA CHINNASAMY ICAR- KVK, Salem, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, TamilNadu, India
  • PANNEERSELVAM SHANMUGAM Retired Professor of Agronomy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India
  • GEETHALAKSHMI VELLINGIRI Vice Chancellor, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India
  • JAGANATHAN R Vice Chancellor, Periyar University, Salem, India
  • BHUVANEESWARI K. CARDS, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • S. VIGNESWARAN Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore



Red gram, Climate change, climate smart agriculture, adaptation, Agroclimatic zones


Assessing the pulse of an important legume crop, red gram (Cajanus cajan L.) of Tamil Nadu under changing climate and framing adaptation strategies were formulated using the DSSAT model. The assessment was done for the popular variety of red gram, viz., CO(RG)7 with August 1st as sowing date, under constant CO2 (380ppm) and CO2 enrichment. The adaptation strategies such as altering the sowing date and 25 per cent increment in nitrogenous fertilizer were carried out with CO2 enrichment conditions.  The yield was found to be adversely affected by the warming scenario of the climate system without CO2 fertilization. With the incorporation of enriched CO2 data, the average yield increases until the end of the century, but with temporal and spatial variations. Among the different agro climatic zones of Tamil Nadu, highest yield was recorded in Western Zone and lowest in Southern Zone. There was no response to application of Nitrogenous fertilizer. July 15 sowing was identified to be the best sowing for the base as well as future period for CO(RG)7.


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How to Cite

CHINNASAMY, P., SHANMUGAM, P., VELLINGIRI, G., R, J., K., B., & VIGNESWARAN, S. (2023). Modelling adaptation strategies towards climate smart red gram production in Tamil Nadu. Journal of Agrometeorology, 25(4), 525–531.