Analysis of rainfall characteristics and moisture availability index for crop planning in semi arid region of north Gujarat


  • JAYDIP J. MAKWANA Centre for Natural Resources Management, S. D. Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat, India
  • B. S. DEORA Centre for Natural Resources Management, S. D. Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat, India
  • C. K. PATEL Centre for Natural Resources Management, S. D. Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat, India
  • B. S. PARMAR Centre for Natural Resources Management, S. D. Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat, India
  • A. K. SAINI Centre for Natural Resources Management, S. D. Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat, India



Rainfall,, probability analysis, evapotranspiration, moisture availability index, crop planning, north Gujarat


The rainfall, one of the most important natural input resource for dryland agricultural production system, is erratic and temporal in nature. An attempt has been made to analyze thirty years (1990-2019) of meteorological data for prediction of probable week of onset and withdrawal of monsoon and to end with crop planning in North Gujarat region (India).The highest and lowest amount of weekly rainfall was observed in 27th and 39th SMW, respectively. The probability distribution functions viz. generalized extreme value, Gumbel maximum, Gamma and Weibull were found best-fit for prediction of weekly rainfall. The analysis revealed 26th SMW (25 Jun – 01 Jul) and onwards as the most suited sowing time of kharif crops. There are also chances of occurrence of moisture stress during 34th and 35th SMW. The results would be useful for agricultural scientists, researchers, decision makers and policy planners in the field of agricultural crop planning and irrigation management for semi arid regions. 




How to Cite

JAYDIP J. MAKWANA, B. S. DEORA, C. K. PATEL, B. S. PARMAR, & A. K. SAINI. (2021). Analysis of rainfall characteristics and moisture availability index for crop planning in semi arid region of north Gujarat. Journal of Agrometeorology, 23(4), 409–415.



Research Paper