Thermal sensitivity of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) crop in Haryana


  • V.U.M. RAO All India Coordinated Research Project on Agrometeorology Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad
  • B. BAPUJI RAO All India Coordinated Research Project on Agrometeorology Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad
  • LINITHA NAIR All India Coordinated Research Project on Agrometeorology Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad
  • DIWAN SINGH Department of Agricultural Meteorology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar
  • CHANDER SHEKHAR Department of Agricultural Meteorology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar
  • B. VENKATESWARLU Department of Agricultural Meteorology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar



Thermal sensitivity, mustard, north india, critical temperatures, minimum temperature


A wide gap exists between potential and actual yields of mustard in India. Mustard is highly sensitive to weather variables and thus attempts need to be focused on determining the most yield limiting weather parameter so as to bridge the yield gap. To accomplish this task, mustard (c.v. RH-30) yields recorded for 26 rabi seasons (1984-85 to 2009-10) at Hisar, Haryana state were related with weather parameters during crop period. Maximum temperature during 1-6 week after sowing (WAS), minimum temperature during 1-5 WAS and again 16-20 WAS were found to influence mustard yields significantly. The mustard yields were less than 2000 kg ha-1 when maximum temperature was less than 30°C during 1-6 WAS and minimum temperature was less than 12°C during 1-5 WAS. Higher yields (2400 to 3000 kg ha-1) was obtained when minimum temperature during 16-20 WAS was less than 6°C.




How to Cite

V.U.M. RAO, B. BAPUJI RAO, LINITHA NAIR, DIWAN SINGH, CHANDER SHEKHAR, & B. VENKATESWARLU. (2011). Thermal sensitivity of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) crop in Haryana. Journal of Agrometeorology, 13(2), 131–134.



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