of Agrometeorology: Announcements2022-01-23T15:46:08+00:00Open Journal Systems<p>The<em><strong> Journal of Agrometeorology (JAM)</strong></em> with<a href=""><em><strong> ISSN 0972-1665 (print) </strong></em>and </a><em><a href=""><strong>2583-2980</strong><strong> (online)</strong></a>,</em> is an Open Access quarterly publication of Association of Agrometeorologists, Anand, Gujarat, India, appearing in March, June, September and December. The Journal focuses and accepts high-quality original research papers dealing with all aspects of the agrometeorology of field and horticultural crops, including micrometeorology, crop weather interactions, crop models, air pollution, global warming and climate change impact on agriculture, aero-biometeorology, agroclimatology, remote sensing applications in agriculture, mountains meteorology, hydrometeorology, climate risk management in agriculture, climate impact on animals, fisheries and poultry, and operational agrometeorology. Articles are published after double-blind peer review and approval of the editor. The acceptance rate of submitted articles is less than 20 per cent. It's <a href=""><strong>impact factor </strong></a>is having increasing trend since 2008.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>FORTHCOMING ISSUE</strong></p> <p><strong><a href="">Volume 27 Number 2 (2025): June</a></strong></p>